Senator Bill Rabon (Rep)

Introduced Bills

Bill BillSort1 BillSort2 Short Title Action Type Action Date Action Description Primary Sponsor First Primary
SR 1 S 1 Senate Permanent Rules. Senate 01/11/2023 Adopted Yes Yes
SJR 2 S 2 Adjourn 2023 Organizational Session. Enrolling 01/11/2023 Ch. Res 2023-1 Yes Yes
SB 3 S 3 NC Compassionate Care Act. House 05/18/2023 Re-ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Yes Yes
SJR 31 S 31 Confirm Nels Roseland, State Controller. Enrolling 02/09/2023 Ch. Res 2023-2 Yes Yes
SR 32 S 32 Confirm Todd Ishee, Sec. of Adult Correction. Senate 02/07/2023 Adopted Yes Yes
SJR 54 S 54 Confirm Katherine Bosken, Comm. of Banks. Enrolling 03/23/2023 Ch. Res 2023-5 Yes Yes
SB 79 S 79 Leland Annexation Moratorium. Senate 05/02/2023 Re-ref Com On Finance Yes Yes
SB 135 S 135 Registered Vet. Tech. Modification. Enrolling 07/07/2023 Ch. SL 2023-81 Yes Yes
SR 138 S 138 Senate BOG Elections. Senate 02/28/2023 Adopted Yes Yes
SB 174  (= HB  228) S 174 Rev. Laws Tech., Clarifying, & Admin. Chngs. Enrolling 04/03/2023 Ch. SL 2023-12 Yes No
SJR 220 S 220 Confirm Phil Baddour/Industrial Commission. Enrolling 05/25/2023 Ch. Res 2023-6 Yes Yes
SJR 221 S 221 Confirm Theresa Stephenson/Bd of Review. Enrolling 05/25/2023 Ch. Res 2023-7 Yes Yes
SB 254 S 254 Government Transparency Act of 2023. Senate 03/09/2023 Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate Yes No
SB 282 S 282 Veterinary Medical Board Inspections. House 04/06/2023 Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Yes No
SB 296  (= HB  346) S 296 Reorganization & Economic Development Act. Senate 03/14/2023 Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate No No
SB 318 S 318 Native Plants Act. House 05/03/2023 Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Yes Yes
SB 386 S 386 Residency Districts/City of Northwest. House 06/28/2023 Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Yes Yes
SB 406  (= HB  823) S 406 Choose Your School, Choose Your Future. Senate 04/26/2023 Re-ref Com On Appropriations/Base Budget No No
SB 512 S 512 Greater Accountability for Boards/Commissions. Enrolling 10/10/2023 Ch. SL 2023-136 Yes No
SB 613 S 613 Sedimentation Buffer for Trout Waters. House 06/26/2023 Re-ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Yes No
SB 631  (= HB  574) S 631 Minor Gender Trans. Proc./Public Providers. Senate 06/22/2023 Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate No No
SB 651 S 651 Tax Relief For All. Senate 04/06/2023 Re-ref to Finance. If fav, re-ref to Rules and Operations of the Senate Yes No
SB 669 S 669 Solar Decommissioning Rqmts. Senate 04/19/2023 Re-ref Com On Finance Yes No
SB 673 S 673 Wastewater Regulatory Relief Act. Enrolling 06/23/2023 Ch. SL 2023-55 No No
SB 678 S 678 Clean Energy/Other Changes. Enrolling 10/10/2023 Ch. SL 2023-138 No No
SJR 746 S 746 Confirm Charlotte Mitchell/Utilities Comm. Enrolling 06/01/2023 Ch. Res 2023-8 Yes Yes
SB 750 S 750 Brunswick Regional Sanitary District/Board. House 06/28/2023 Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Yes Yes
SB 754 S 754 General Assembly Appointments. Enrolling 08/17/2023 Ch. SL 2023-113 Yes Yes
SJR 755 S 755 Confirm Quintin McGee, Special Sup. Ct. Judge. Enrolling 10/10/2023 Ch. Res 2023-10 Yes Yes
SB 761 S 761 Additional General Assembly Appointments. Enrolling 10/25/2023 Ch. SL 2023-148 Yes Yes
SR 768 S 768 Confirm Joey R. Hopkins/Sec. of DOT. Senate 05/23/2024 Adopted Yes Yes
SJR 910 S 910 Confirm James C. Gillen/Industrial Commission. Enrolling 06/20/2024 Ch. Res 2024-1 Yes Yes
SR 914 S 914 BOG Vacancy. Senate 06/27/2024 Adopted Yes Yes
SB 915 S 915 General Assembly Appointments. Enrolling 06/27/2024 Ch. SL 2024-12 Yes Yes
SJR 916 S 916 Adjournment Resolution. Enrolling 06/28/2024 Ch. Res 2024-2 Yes Yes
SB 917 S 917 Additional General Assembly Appointments. Enrolling 09/11/2024 Ch. SL 2024-50 Yes Yes
SJR 918 S 918 Confirm Adam Lockhart Taylor/Bd of Review. Enrolling 09/11/2024 Ch. Res 2024-4 Yes Yes
SJR 919 S 919 Adjournment Resolution Changes. Enrolling 10/09/2024 Ch. Res 2024-5 Yes Yes