S382 - Disaster Relief-3/Budget/Various Law Changes. (SL 2024-57)
Session Year 2024
Overview: Section 3J.23 of S.L. 2024-57 repeals the requirement that the Superintendent of Public Instruction recommend tests for use with the Opportunity Scholarship program and instead requires the Office of Learning Research at The University of North Carolina (OLR) to make the recommendations. OLR must make its recommendations on nationally standardized tests for use in third and eighth grades that would be appropriate for administering to Opportunity Scholarship recipients and students in public school units by no later than December 31, 2025. To the extent practicable, OLR should recommend only one test for use in each grade.
This section requires the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (SEAA) to designate the recommended tests as the nationally standardized assessments to be administered by nonpublic schools participating in the Opportunity Scholarship program beginning with the 2026-2027 school year.
This section also waives the requirement that SEAA submit its report on the results of the required testing until December 1, 2027.
This bill was vetoed by the Governor on November 26, 2024, and that veto was overridden by the General Assembly on December 11, 2024. This section of the act became effective December 11, 2024.
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