S257 - Appropriations Act of 2017. (SL 2017-57)
Session Year 2017
Overview: Section 37.3 of S.L. 2017-57 provides that the consolidation of State data centers will continue to be a priority, but the Western Data Center in Rutherford County and the Eastern Data Center in Wake County may not be closed or consolidated without express authorization by the General Assembly. Unless otherwise exempt, State agencies must continue to use the State infrastructure to host their projects, data, and applications, except that the State Chief Information Officer may grant an exception in limited circumstances. By December 1, 2017, the State Chief Information Officer must report on data center consolidations to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology and the Fiscal Research Division. On or before May 1, 2018, the State Chief Information Officer must report to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology and the Fiscal Research Division on the number of physical servers eliminated by data center consolidations and the savings associated with the elimination. This section became effective July 1, 2017.
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