S257 - Appropriations Act of 2017. (SL 2017-57)
Session Year 2017
Overview: Section 34.17 of S.L. 2017-57 provides the following with regard to State aid to municipalities:
- Prohibits funds from being used to construct sidewalks into which mailboxes, utility poles, fire hydrants, or other obstructions are built that would impede passage of pedestrians.
- Provides any municipality that fails to file a statement, required under existing law, showing in detail the expenditure of funds during the preceding year and the balance of funds on hand, is ineligible to receive funds for the fiscal year in which the municipality failed to file the statement.
- Directs the Department of Transportation to study how to adjust the formula for allocation of funds to account for seasonal shifts in municipal populations and report its findings to the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee by December 1, 2017.
The part of this section regarding ineligibility to receive funds for failing to file the required statement on use of funds became effective July 1, 2017, and applies to allocations on or after that date. The remainder of the section became effective July 1, 2017.
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