S743-SMBB-29(sl)-v-3 |
000004E.000004 |
Sec. 4E.4: Industrial Commission Extend Filing Deadlines |
01/14/2025 |
S743-SMBC-160(sl)-v-4 |
000004E.000002 |
Sec. 4E.2: Temporary Exemption for Inactive Code Officials |
01/14/2025 |
S743-SMBC-163(sl)-v-4 |
000004F.000002 |
Sec. 4F.2: Temporary Waiver of Penalties Associated with Late Payments of Employee or Employer Retirement Contributions |
01/14/2025 |
S743-SMBC-165(sl)-v-2 |
000004B.000004 |
Sec. 4B.4: Extend Coroner in Avery County for Six Months |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMBC-37(e1)-v-5 |
Transformational Investments in NC Health. |
04/20/2023 |
S743-SMBC-43(e2)-v-2 |
Transformational Investments in NC Health. |
04/25/2023 |
S743-SMBC-49(e2)-v-2 |
Transformational Investments in NC Health. |
04/26/2023 |
S743-SMBE-138(sl)-v-2 |
000004A.000002 |
Sec. 4A.2: Readmission of Displaced Charter School Students |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMBE-139(sl)-v-3 |
000004A.000005 |
Sec. 4A.5: Educator Preparation Program Testing Admissions Waiver |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMBE-140(sl)-v-2 |
000004A.000008 |
Sec. 4A.8: Increased School Mental Health Support |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMBG-93(sl)-v-5 |
000004G.000002 |
Sec. 4G.2: Reports on Certain Procurement Methods Authorized in Disaster Areas |
01/17/2025 |
S743-SMBN-89(sl)-v-2 |
000004A.000001 |
Sec. 4A.1: Additional School Calendar Flexibility |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMBN-90(sl)-v-2 |
000004A.000004 |
Sec. 4A.4: Tuition Grants for Spring Semester of 2025 at University of North Carolina at Asheville |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMBN-92(sl)-v-2 |
000004A.000007 |
Sec. 4A.7: Additional Need-Based Scholarship Awards for Eligible Students |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMBP-96(sl)-v-2 |
000004B.000003 |
Sec. 4B.3: Temporary Flexibility for Quality Improvement Plans |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMBP-97(sl)-v-2 |
000004B.000006 |
Sec. 4B.6: Provide Hospitals in Affected Area Additional Time to Comply with the Hospital Violence Protection Act |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMCC-71(sl)-v-3 |
000004D.000001 |
Sec. 4D.1: Temporary Exemptions for Private Protective Services in Certain Counties During State of Emergency |
01/14/2025 |
S743-SMCC-76(sl)-v-7 |
000004C.000003 |
Sec. 4C.3: Golden Leaf - Hurricane Helene Impacted Business Bridge Loans |
01/17/2025 |
S743-SMCC-77(sl)-v-7 |
000004C.000005 |
Sec. 4C.5: Fee Waiver for Certain Infrastructure Emergency Loans |
02/25/2025 |
S743-SMCC-78(sl)-v-8 |
000004C.000007 |
Sec. 4C.7: DEQ Water Infrastructure Emergency Bridge Loan Program |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMCI-117(sl)-v-3 |
000004B.000005 |
Sec. 4B.5: Exempt Certain Requirements on Funds for Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMCI-118(sl)-v-4 |
000004B.000007 |
Sec. 4B.7: Rental Assistance |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMCJ-55(sl)-v-10 |
000004E.000001 |
Sec. 4E.1: Authorize State Agencies to Exercise Regulatory Flexibility for Employment-Related Certifications |
01/24/2025 |
S743-SMCJ-57(sl)-v-7 |
000004E.000005 |
Sec. 4E.5: Local Government Commission to Provide Cashflow Loans to Local Governments for Disaster Response Activities |
01/24/2025 |
S743-SMCO-19(sl)-v-9 |
000004E.000003 |
Sec. 4E.3: Flexibility for Building Permit Issuance/Inspections in Disaster Area |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMCO-24(sl)-v-6 |
000004C.000006 |
Sec. 4C.6: Local Government Commission Approval Exemption for Emergency Loans |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMMQ-5(CSMQ-8)-v-2 |
Broadband/Grant Changes. |
06/27/2024 |
S743-SMNM-3(CCSMC-8)-v-5 |
The Disaster Recovery Act of 2024 - Part II. |
10/24/2024 |
S743-SMRI-91(sl)-v-3 |
000004C.000008 |
Sec. 4C.8: Emergency Infrastructure Bridge Loan Program for Commercial Underground Storage Tanks |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMRI-92(sl)-v-2 |
000004C.000009 |
Sec. 4C.9: Department of Environmental Quality Authority to Direct Pay Costs of Cleanup and Assessment of Underground Storage Tanks During Emergency Declarations |
01/22/2025 |
S743-SMRI-93(sl)-v-3 |
000004C.000010 |
Sec. 4C.10: Authorize Use of Permitted Mines as Temporary Debris Disposal Sites |
01/23/2025 |
S743-SMRI-94(sl)-v-3 |
000004C.000011 |
Sec. 4C.11: Codify Permitting Changes Applicable to Dock, Pier, and Walkway Replacement in the Coastal Area Made by S.L. 2024 45 |
01/24/2025 |
S743-SMRI-95(sl)-v-3 |
000004C.000012 |
Sec. 4C.12: Codify Establishment of a Measurement Line for Dune Building Projects Conducted Pursuant to Permitted Terminal Groin Construction |
01/24/2025 |
S743-SMRQ-104(sl)-v-2 |
000004A.000003 |
Sec. 4A.3: Tuition and Registration Fee Grants for Spring Semester of 2025 at Community Colleges Designated Most or Medium Impacted |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMRQ-105(sl)-v-6 |
000004A.000006 |
Sec. 4A.6: Emergency Scholarship Grants for Postsecondary Students |
01/28/2025 |
S743-SMSH-120(sl)-v-4 |
000004B.000001 |
Sec. 4B.1: Temporary Authorization to Extend Initial Licenses for Adult Care Homes and Family Care Homes |
01/21/2025 |
S743-SMSH-123(sl)-v-4 |
000004F.000001 |
Sec. 4F.1: Extend Administrative Deadlines to Ensure Continuity and Availability of Retirement, Disability, and Death Benefits for Individuals Impacted by Hurricane Helene |
01/14/2025 |
S743-SMSU-60(sl)-v-2 |
000004G.000001 |
Sec. 4G.1: Extend Emissions Inspection Mechanic Licenses |
01/14/2025 |
S743-SMSV-207(sl)-v-4 |
000004H.000001 |
Sec. 4H.1: Expand Waiver of Interest Provisions for Tax Preparers/Tax Records |
02/25/2025 |
S743-SMTR-42(sl)-v-5 |
000004B.000002 |
Sec. 4B.2: Extension of Statutory Waivers for Hospital Participation in Acute Hospital Care at Home |
01/22/2025 |