H149-SMBB-31(sl)-v-3 |
000016 .000001 |
Sec. 16.1: Extend Grace Period to Correct Grounds for Administrative Dissolution for Business Entities |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMBC-164(sl)-v-3 |
000015 .000002 |
Sec. 15.2: Temporary Authorization to Increase/Relocate Certain Home Hemodialysis and In-Center Dialysis Stations |
01/22/2025 |
H149-SMBE-137(sl)-v-3 |
000008 .000001 |
Sec. 8.1: Instructional Hours Flexibility and Compensation for Public School Employees |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMBG-92(sl)-v-5 |
000011 .000003 |
Sec. 11.3: Procurement Methods Authorized in Disaster Areas |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMBP-100(sl)-v-2 |
000012 .000001 |
Sec. 12.1: Temporarily Remove Barriers to Allow Retirees of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System and the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System to Return to Work on a Part-Time, Temporary, or Interim Basis |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMBP-95(sl)-v-4 |
000015 .000003 |
Sec. 15.3: Temporary Authorization to Extend Provisional Licenses for Adult Care Homes and Family Care Homes |
01/22/2025 |
H149-SMBR-152(CCSMC-7)-v-2 |
Disaster Recovery Act of 2024. |
10/09/2024 |
H149-SMBR-156(sl)-v-3 |
000010 .000005 |
Sec. 10.5: Conform Air Curtain Incinerator Permitting Requirements to Federal Law |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMCC-75(sl)-v-4 |
000010 .000001 |
Sec. 10.1: Funding Flexibility for Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMCE-135(sl)-v-6 |
000014 .000001 |
Sec. 14.1. Implement temporary extension on when post-release supervision and parole preliminary violation hearings must occur |
01/24/2025 |
H149-SMCH-54(sl)-v-6 |
000009 .0001, 9.000002 |
Elections Modifications |
10/21/2024 |
H149-SMCI-119(sl)-v-2 |
000015 .000001 |
Sec. 15.1: Waive Certain Mandatory Standards for Child Care Licensure |
01/22/2025 |
H149-SMCO-23(sl)-v-8 |
000016 .000002 |
Sec. 16.2: Construction Fee Moratorium |
01/22/2025 |
H149-SMCW-1(sl)-v-5 |
000003 .000001 |
Sec. 3.1: Extension of State of Emergency |
01/22/2025 |
H149-SMRI-89(sl)-v-4 |
000010 .000002 |
Sec. 10.2: Wastewater Treatment Plant Service Flexibility |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMRI-90(sl)-v-6 |
000010 .3 AND 10.000004 |
Secs 10.3 and 10.4: Storm Debris Open Burning Regulatory Relief |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMRQ-102(sl)-v-7 |
000008 .000003 |
Sec. 8.3: Completion of the EPP Clinical Internship Requirement for Certain Students Impacted by Hurricane Helene or PTC8 |
01/28/2025 |
H149-SMSH-122(sl)-v-5 |
000012 .000002 |
Sec. 12.2: Relief From Temporary Employment Restrictions |
01/28/2025 |
H149-SMST-119(sl)-v-4 |
000009 .000001 .000009 .000002 |
Secs. 9.1 and 9.2: Election Modifications |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMSU-58(sl)-v-3 |
000011 .000001 |
Sec. 11.1: Waiver of Certain Division of Motor Vehicles Fees |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMSU-59(sl)-v-3 |
000011 .000002 |
Sec. 11.2: Waiver of Certain Permitting Requirements Associated with State Highway Repairs |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMSV-206(sl)-v-3 |
000013 .000001 |
Sec. 13.1: Interest Waiver for Certain Taxes and Extension to File Partnership and S Corporation Election |
01/21/2025 |
H149-SMTC-22(e1)-v-3 |
Remote Charter Academies. |
03/07/2023 |
H149-SMTC-25(e2)-v-1 |
Remote Charter Academies. |
03/07/2023 |
H149-SMTC-43(e2)-v-2 |
Remote Charter Academies. |
04/04/2023 |
H149-SMTC-46(CSTC-15)-v-2 |
Remote & Virtual Charter/CC Pres Confirmation. |
04/04/2023 |